datconnect.com/directfreight.com/getloaded.com Which is best value?
(too old to reply)
Matt Alanzo
2004-08-05 11:24:51 UTC
Each month we need to ship 6 - 12 lots of LTL !! blanket wrapped!!
furniture, usually 10-20 lineal feet of product per project.
Shipments all originate from Muskegon, MI but go to a constantly
changing roster of customers in the lower 48 states, mostly around
major cities.

I have given up trying to find a freight broker willing to mess with
blanket wrapped LTL to ever changing locations at a reasonable price.
(Yes, we can consign to North American Van, Berger, Allied, etc. but
at their freight rates our "closure rate" on quotes drops to single
digits and we would go out of business.)

Is the alternative subscribing to a freight matching service and
identifying trucks ourselves? We could 1) persuade our plant to stock
single use blankets, 2) load/wrap the product ourselves in the trailer
(no driver involvement) and 3) require our customers to unload their
own product themselves (again, no driver involvement).

Is this reasonable from the truckers viewpoint? What issues would
this raise with the truckers?

Which freight matching service offers the best value given the above
situation? DAT Connect.com appears to be the market leader by a huge
margin but at $100/month they are extremely pricey for our
application. Do the others have too little traffic to warrant the
setup grief? [I suspect that truckers willing to accept a blanket
wrapped LTL are going to be rare birds indeed.]

2004-08-05 20:20:48 UTC
Post by Matt Alanzo
Each month we need to ship 6 - 12 lots of LTL !! blanket wrapped!!
furniture, usually 10-20 lineal feet of product per project.
Shipments all originate from Muskegon, MI but go to a constantly
changing roster of customers in the lower 48 states, mostly around
major cities.
I have given up trying to find a freight broker willing to mess with
blanket wrapped LTL to ever changing locations at a reasonable price.
(Yes, we can consign to North American Van, Berger, Allied, etc. but
at their freight rates our "closure rate" on quotes drops to single
digits and we would go out of business.)
Is the alternative subscribing to a freight matching service and
identifying trucks ourselves? We could 1) persuade our plant to stock
single use blankets, 2) load/wrap the product ourselves in the trailer
(no driver involvement) and 3) require our customers to unload their
own product themselves (again, no driver involvement).
Is this reasonable from the truckers viewpoint? What issues would
this raise with the truckers?
Which freight matching service offers the best value given the above
situation? DAT Connect.com appears to be the market leader by a huge
margin but at $100/month they are extremely pricey for our
application. Do the others have too little traffic to warrant the
setup grief? [I suspect that truckers willing to accept a blanket
wrapped LTL are going to be rare birds indeed.]
Hi Matt ... as you already suspect, these services are all about
truckloads. While there is some LTL activity, it is not reasonable
to expect that any of these services will help you find trucks to
meet your needs on a consistent and reliable basis.

KB Transportation, Inc.
2004-08-06 09:18:49 UTC
Post by Matt Alanzo
Which freight matching service offers the best value given the above
situation? DAT Connect.com appears to be the market leader by a huge
margin but at $100/month they are extremely pricey for our
6-12 loads a month works out to be 8-16 bucks a load for what would seem
to be high priced freight. What sort of rates have you been paying...and
what do you want to pay? A quick search on one load board for blanket
wrapped loads shows 1.60 to 15.00 a mile depending on the distance and
size of the load. Those are just a inital offers. The harder to move
loads and more desperate the broker...the more the rate will go up.

Do the others have too little traffic to warrant the
Post by Matt Alanzo
setup grief? [I suspect that truckers willing to accept a blanket
wrapped LTL are going to be rare birds indeed.]
My personal suggestion....seek out a small dependable carrier in your
local area. Explain what you need done and work out a rate with them.
While not blanket wrapped we move small loads at times...and it costs us
nearly as much as it does for a full truck load. So even a 1000 lbs load
gets to pay the same rate as if it was 45,000 lbs. Same 48 or 53
trailer...not much fuel difference on a short run.
Matt Alanzo
2004-08-06 17:00:29 UTC
On Fri, 06 Aug 2004 05:18:49 -0400, ga_dispatcher
Post by ga_dispatcher
6-12 loads a month works out to be 8-16 bucks a load for what would seem
to be high priced freight. What sort of rates have you been paying...and
what do you want to pay? A quick search on one load board for blanket
wrapped loads shows 1.60 to 15.00 a mile depending on the distance and
size of the load. Those are just a inital offers. >
How about a "real world" example. [We do not have a shipper for this

We will have about 20 lineal feet of metal cabinets and fume hoods
that will be ready to load out the middle of next week from Muskegon,
MI bound for Baltimore MD. The fume hoods (recall high school
chemistry? Fume hoods are the big apparatus with a "window" that goes
up and down where [hopefully] you mix your chemicals. ) are skidded,
wrapped and banded but the eight cabinets that they will sit on will
need to be blanket wrapped. There are three pickups involved:
1) the blanket supplier [Grand Rapids, MI],
2) 45miles further the fume hood manufactuer [Muskegon, MI],
3) five miles further the cabinet manufacturer [also Muskgeon, MI].
The load goes to a university in Baltimore, MD.

The plant will load the product (provided the driver shows up with
blankets) and the customer will unload. The blankets are "single use"
.... since its not cost justified to ship them back. :>)

What will the various loading boards cost this blanket wrapped LTL job
2004-08-06 19:00:14 UTC
Post by Matt Alanzo
On Fri, 06 Aug 2004 05:18:49 -0400, ga_dispatcher
How about a "real world" example. [We do not have a shipper for this
While not a specialty<blanket wrap> of mine....I'll give an idea of what
we'd want to handle it. But no...we're not interested as we do truck load.
Post by Matt Alanzo
We will have about 20 lineal feet of metal cabinets and fume hoods
that will be ready to load out the middle of next week from Muskegon,
MI bound for Baltimore MD. The fume hoods (recall high school
chemistry? Fume hoods are the big apparatus with a "window" that goes
up and down where [hopefully] you mix your chemicals. ) are skidded,
wrapped and banded but the eight cabinets that they will sit on will
1) the blanket supplier [Grand Rapids, MI],
2) 45miles further the fume hood manufactuer [Muskegon, MI],
3) five miles further the cabinet manufacturer [also Muskgeon, MI].
The load goes to a university in Baltimore, MD.
Baltimore MD........bad rates on freight out of there...so you gotta get it
going in. 3 PU's doesn't help matters. 1800-2200.00 range. Higher or
lower rates will depend on how desperate each party<carrier, shipper> is
to get it moved.
Post by Matt Alanzo
What will the various loading boards cost this blanket wrapped LTL job
Doesn't work that way. The shipper<or broker> posts the load on the
board<s>. You can specify a rate at that point or leave it open. If you
specify a rate that is too low...and few carriers are likely to bother even
calling about it. Set it too high...and you'll know based on the amount
of calls you get. If you leave the price open...the carriers will call you
to obtain info and your price. They might offer a higher rate which you can
take or reject. Many times you'll meet in the middle on price. Again the
desperation factor means more than anything as to final rate.

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2017-12-09 19:31:34 UTC
I have a 28" foot Box Truck with a lift gate with full insurance Trucking and Cargo insurance. I am looking for some good loads board for partial loads job and independent contractor job. Can anyone please help?


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