I shit you not
(too old to reply)
2017-03-09 00:32:27 UTC
For the first time ever today, I literally shit my pants in my rig. I'd
heard over the last few months a lot about truckers filling their pants on
the road rather than stopping just to shave off a few minutes here and
there. It's a lot more common than I would have thought. I guess these 4-
wheelers can really scare the shit out of a guy sometimes. ;)

Anyway, I felt the urge around 10 am this morning after a few hours on the
road west of Amarillo. I'd been swiggin coffee all morning and all that
caffeine sometimes gives me the runs so I wasn't sure if I wanted to do
this too much. But, I let the pressure build, and kept occasionally
letting out small puffs of air to keep my ass from exploding. Finally,
around 11:30, I let it go. Good news! It came out in one nice, long,
squishy (but not too wet) pile. It really stank my cab up all to hell, but
I got used to it after an hour or so and it definitely saved me some time.
I ran outta log time around 3 (I guess now it depends on how I define "log")
so I called it a day and stopped to get a shower. Unfortunately, I had to
wait like 45 minutes to get an open shower but I just tried to stay away
from people in the lounge. I also ended up throwing away my boxer shorts,
but my pants didn't smell that bad so I didn't wash them. Either way, it's
a great strategy for those days (and nights) where you're just trying to
get a little further down the road.

2017-03-27 10:45:55 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
For the first time ever today, I literally shit my pants in my rig. I'd
heard over the last few months a lot about truckers filling their pants on
the road rather than stopping just to shave off a few minutes here and
there. It's a lot more common than I would have thought. I guess these 4-
wheelers can really scare the shit out of a guy sometimes. ;)
Anyway, I felt the urge around 10 am this morning after a few hours on the
road west of Amarillo. I'd been swiggin coffee all morning and all that
caffeine sometimes gives me the runs so I wasn't sure if I wanted to do
this too much. But, I let the pressure build, and kept occasionally
letting out small puffs of air to keep my ass from exploding. Finally,
around 11:30, I let it go. Good news! It came out in one nice, long,
squishy (but not too wet) pile. It really stank my cab up all to hell, but
I got used to it after an hour or so and it definitely saved me some time.
I ran outta log time around 3 (I guess now it depends on how I define "log")
so I called it a day and stopped to get a shower. Unfortunately, I had to
wait like 45 minutes to get an open shower but I just tried to stay away
from people in the lounge. I also ended up throwing away my boxer shorts,
but my pants didn't smell that bad so I didn't wash them. Either way, it's
a great strategy for those days (and nights) where you're just trying to
get a little further down the road.
I think I'll be late.. thanks for the advice though, although I probably could have done without it.
2017-05-10 00:43:35 UTC

Forcing your employees to Shit on themselves while working should most definitely earn everyone above them in the line of supervision to the top , a special place in the Hottest Part of Hell